Related to my discussion a couple of weeks ago of the
problems and responsibilities of philosophers engaging with non-academics, you might
be interested to look at Simon Caney’s latest article (or, for that matter, the
rest of the latest issue of Ethics & International Affairs). Caney’s paper addresses the question of what academics can
contribute to the struggles against global poverty and climate change. I think
he makes a persuasive case that academics have a lot to offer, and there’s
little of substance that I disagree with. However, I think it’s interesting to focus
on a question that he doesn’t dwell on.
seems to accept that academics should be bound by a norm of ‘neutrality’ or
non-partisanship in their teaching responsibilities, and that this means that
their anti-poverty activities should be kept away from students: “it seems reasonable to think that academics should not use the classroom
to convert people to the goal of eradicating poverty”. It is certainly a
reasonable view, but is it right? I certainly
don’t think it’s obvious that
teaching is ‘off limits’ in this way.
First, it is important to see
what academics give up if they refuse to use their influence as teachers as
part of their armoury. Like all teachers, they have the capacity to strongly
direct the thoughts and opinions of their students, many of whom will go on to
be powerful and influential, especially at elite universities. For example, Caney
teaches at Magdalen College , Oxford ,
which has produced five members of the current British cabinet. If he were to
persuade just a handful of his students of the significance and desirability of
action on poverty and climate change, many of them are likely to take up
positions (like senior government roles) where they can make significant
contributions to these causes.
I can see why Caney wants to rule out such influence.
There are obvious concerns about violating dignity and autonomy that arise with
the prospect of brainwashing vulnerable youths. Some people might think these
are sufficient to ensure that deviations from academic neutrality in the
classroom are always immoral.
I think this position has a couple of weaknesses. First,
not all deviations from neutrality are the same. The idea of ‘brainwashing’
suggests that students are passive receptacles, powerless to resist the
propaganda they are fed. But influence doesn’t just mean telling people what to
think. It can take the form of setting agendas. For example, tutors might
develop optional courses on climate change or global poverty. They might go a
step further, and make these courses compulsory. But notice that the influence
is procedural, not substantive: students are not told what to think, only what
to think about. They can still conclude that climate change and global poverty
are not morally problematic. Thus I don’t think that these forms of influence
are all that controversial.
I guess what worries people more is the prospect that
lecturers might push certain substantive views. Again, this needn’t mean
dictating a worldview. It could just be a matter of framing questions in a
non-neutral way, or pressing objections to certain positions a little harder. As I have suggested before, the ideal of neutrality here, merely helping others to
better understand their own positions and exerting no external influence, is rather
unrealistic. I don’t think it is psychologically possible to slough off your
biases in favour of the things you believe.
But just because some non-neutrality is inevitable
doesn’t mean we should actively seek it. The most important argument for
abandoning neutrality is the potential benefits. I think most people would
accept that sometimes it is acceptable to thwart or violate autonomy if the
stakes are high enough. For example, if I believe it will prevent you from
committing a murder, most would agree it is morally justified, indeed
obligatory, to lie to you, trick you, physically restrain you. Thomas Pogge and Luis Cabrera argue that we should see the problem of global poverty as a
calamity demanding exceptional measures – like the ones academics were willing
to take during the Second World War. If things are that serious, if the stakes
are that high, and non-neutrality can have a positive effect, then that is
surely a strong argument in its favour.
This argument is particularly interesting because I
think it might be a particular instance of a general phenomenon - a clash
between professional ethics and general moral demands. Or, to put it another
way, a contradiction between the duties attending to a certain role and duties
arising from humanity. Another interesting example might be a person who hires
new employees for their firm. While their professional obligation is to find
the best qualified applicant for the position, they might think that morally
they ought to discriminate in favour of disadvantaged applicants. Just like the
non-neutral academic, doing the right thing seems to involve behaving
Of course, there may be prudential or pragmatic reasons
to follow your professional code – in both cases, there is nothing to be gained
from losing your job. However, assume that this is not an issue – in either
case, we can imagine that detection might be impossible.
Notice that in neither case are the job or the
professional injunction themselves immoral. Indeed, we would think that
neutrality in the classroom and picking the best candidate for the job are
generally morally good things to do. This suggests that there might be
epistemic reasons to follow a generally morally good professional code rather
than your own ethics. The circumstances where departure from the professional
code is morally right are likely to be extremely rare, and most people are
likely to have difficulty judging them, so we should never depart from
professional ethics, even if we think it is the right thing to do. (This is
reminiscent of an argument for split-level consequentialism).
I’ve only scratched the surface of the issues around
conflicts between professional and global ethics, but when the stakes are as
high as they are with global poverty and climate change, it certainly seems a
question worth pursuing.
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